Lawn Care Services


Gutter Clean

When you choose Canales Lawn Care LLC, you choose a service you cant count on. Our gutter cleaners remove debris like leaves, twigs, and other objects to make sure gutters are clean and pristine.


Fall Clean Up

This section will highlight specific details about your core offering. We will write about what your offering is and how your company uses it to help users achieve their desired goals.


Snow Removal

Fortunately Canales Lawn Care is ready to help you whit your snow removal needs. Snow removal is not easy. Our customers are very important to us.
Therefore, our customers can rely on us to have their sidewalks and driveway cleared as soon as the snow begins to accumulate.

Person using a snow blower to clear a city sidewalk during a heavy winter snowfall.

Power Wash

We understand that very surface is unique, Wich is we tailor our pressure washing techniques to suit the specific needs of each material. From gentle soft washing for delicate surfaces to high pressure cleaning for tough stains, we employ the most suitable methods to achieve optimal results without causing damage.

Person cleaning house siding with a pressure washer, wearing protective gear in a yellow raincoat.

Better Service, Better Lawn, Better Value.

From maintaining your existing lawn to complete renovations, we offer a full range of professional lawn care programs.

To save you time and money!!

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